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A rock band Nazca invited me and Mika Meskanen to do live video visuals for their concert in Sibelius Academy Chamber Hall, Helsinki in 2003. The concert was very experimental with video mixings on screen and ten TV’s on stage with the band. The touching moment was when the whole audience was sitting in total silence during one minute silent moment with TV’s glowing and showing news footage from Iraq war.
This gig was followed by numerous concerts together (Club Semifinal, Tarmo, Factory, Lume Mediacenter etc.).
Sigma is an ambient duo Mauno Tuominen and Petri Frestadius. I collaborated with them and Ville Ojajärvi creating live video improvisations for the concerts. We arranged a happening in Koetila, Helsinki in May 2004 and played through a whole week-end. People came and went, enjoyed the music, visuals and maybe even some cup of tea. The next concerts followed in Kontufestari, Helsinki August 2004 and in
Kanneltalo, Helsinki, October 2004 (Kantsun Elektroillat).
Even though it’s been a while since creating these kind of concerts they have surely given me important experience for more recent video design and work I’ve done in theatres e.g Puhdistus – Purge 2009, Vihan Veli – Brother Rage 2011 and Rikos – Crime 2012.