Installation  of Canary Coffee, 2009.

Canary Coffee, performance documentation, 3-channel video installation, 00:04:10, 2009
Also available as a single channel Canary Coffee III, dur 00:04:31, 2009

Canary Coffee is a series of friendly coffee drinking rituals. I started them in Cran Canaria, Canary Islands. The location, where the coffee is drank, has a significant meaning in the videos.

The Finns are the number two in coffee drinking statistics in the world (2008) and it is said coffee tells about the mentality of Finland. This I don’t know, but I do know that coffee is a way of reaching to people, of socialising and an ”excuse” to pay a visit. People discuss over a cup of coffee.
A cup of coffee carries quite a heavy ecological backpack. Due to e.g. cultivation, erosion and long transportation distances, each cup of coffee consumes 300g of natural resources. I try to limit my coffee drinking to one cup per day. I waited someone to join me to have a cup of coffee, but no one came.


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